IAAS Local Committee Diponegoro University. Powered by Blogger.
The 59th IAAS World Congress: INDONESIA Suasana IOP VIII The 9th Annual Work Meeting IAAS LC UNDIP Family of IAAS LC UNDIP

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

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Bingung liburan harus ngapain? Mau have fun tapi tetap ingin produktif juga? Penasaran dengan teknologi di bidang pertanian di daerah, bahkan di negara lain?
Kegiatan ini cocok banget buat isi liburanmu!
Expronas adalah media buat kalian yang tertarik untuk magang di bidang pertanian. Gak cuma anak jurusan pertanian aja loh yang boleh ikut, SEMUA BOLEH IKUT:)
Lokasi magang juga bervariasi dari berbagai universitas di segala penjuru Indonesia dan dunia, choose as you wish!
So, tunggu apa lagi? Yuk, daftar untuk sosialisasinya dan kenali lebih jauh tentang kegiatan Expronas ini!

Tempat & waktu sosialisasi:
@FPIK Gedung D ruang D111, 
tgl 24 Mei 2015 
pukul 10.00 WIB

Registrasi: (FREE)
Nama_Jurusan_Angkatan ke 083838981604 (Krishna)
Let's go for exchange!

T: @iaasundip
Think globally, Act locally!

About Unknown

IAAS LC UNDIP is The one of the Local Committee who are members of IAAS INDONESIA which is the biggest international student organization in the world's field of agriculture and related sciences who located at Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java. We have the village concept project which was in Gemawang Village with our excellent products namely chocolate ginger (Chocoped's) and We have 120 Total Members