Hallo IAASers ...
Exchange Program is one of a yearly event of IAAS that provides and facilitates student, for those who interest and want gain more knowledge regards the agriculture and related sciences true internship activity whether in Indonesia or overseas.
There are several hosting places from over 8 universities in Indonesia. They are IPB, UNPAD, UNDIP, UGM, UNS, UB, UNLAM, and also UNRAM.
1. UPTD - Balai Benih Pertanian
BBP (Balai Benih Pertanian) semarang is an UPTD (Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah) which is under the control of Central Java Agriculture Department. At BBP areal there are orchids greenhouses and laboratory which is the result of collaboration between farmer group “Multiflora” and Agriculture department.
Address : Orchid propagation by stem culture, Orchid
Cultivation, Orchid crossing, Organic vegetables farming, and Agroecotourism
Address : Jl. RM Hadi Subeno, Wijen.
Contact : BB 7476EBEF
2. Kebun Dinas Pertanian, Gunung Pati
Kebun dinas pertanian Gunung Pati is one of 13 kebun dinas which is controlled and managed by BBP Semarang. At Kebun dinas there are many variations of horticultural commodities, ranging from fruits, vegetables, flowers even herbs. Main comodity in this kebun dinas are longan and Psidium guajava. This kebun dinas also provide horticulture seed plants.
Activities : Plant propagation by layering, occulation and cutting, Providing horticulture seed plant, Longan cultivation, Guajava cultivation, Vegetables farming, and Agroecotourism.
Address : Gunung Pati
Phone : 081914510034
3. Kebun Dinas Pertanian, Purwosari
Kebun dinas pertanian Purwosari is one of thirteen kebun dinas which is under the control of BBP Semarang. Kebun dinas Purwosari has a wide variety of competitive horticultural commodities such as longan, durian, guava, and papaya. This place also provide agrotourism.
Activities : Longan cultivation, Durian cultivation, Guajava cultivation, Vegetables farming, and
Address : Gunung Pati
Phone : 085641152911
4. Tabur Mas Organic Farms
Taburmas is a company engaged in the field of organic farming. Taburmas cultivate various horticultural crops organically where the manure that is in use is a roduct of taburmas itself. Activities : Organic vegetables farming, Organic Fruits Farming, Provides horticulture seed plants, Provides organic biofertilizer, Hidroponic farms, and Agroecotourism.
Address : Jl. Mpu Tantular No. 10-12 Semarang
Phone : 62-24-3566148
Fax : 62-24-3566149
Website : www.taburmas.com
5. Kebun Bunga Krisan
Kebun Bunga Krisan are engaged in farming of ornamental plants, especially flowers, the chrysanthemum. This garden grow chrysanthemum ranging from the provision of seeds, seedling, harvesting and post harvesting to distribution.
Activities : chrysanthemum cultivation in general, ranging from the manufacture of seeds, seeding, planting, maintenance, harvesting, and cutting to distribution of chrysanthemum.
Address : Bandungan
For more information about other hosting places: http://bit.ly/1JVj8a2