Hello IAASer IOP VIII, Diberitahukan kepada seluruh kelompok IAAS Orientation Program VIII untuk menyiapkan perlengkapan individu dan kelompok yang dibutuhkan. Masing-masing anggota kelompok dapat menghubungi ketua kelompoknya untuk melakukan koordinasi serta persiapan di hari H.
- Kelompok 1 Kemal +6282242925432
- Kelompok 2 Pratama 087832242378
- Kelompok 3 Nazif +6285600270386
- Kelompok 4 Reyzhady 085751175050
- Kelompok 5 Haposan 083194035469
- Kelompok 6 Usamah 085719242223
- Kelompok 7 M Ghazi 087721858388
Keep spirit guys. Think Globally Act Locally!!!
About Unknown
IAAS LC UNDIP is The one of the Local Committee who are members of IAAS INDONESIA which is the biggest international student organization in the world's field of agriculture and related sciences who located at Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java. We have the village concept project which was in Gemawang Village with our excellent products namely chocolate ginger (Chocoped's) and We have 120 Total Members