IAAS Local Committee Diponegoro University. Powered by Blogger.
The 59th IAAS World Congress: INDONESIA Suasana IOP VIII The 9th Annual Work Meeting IAAS LC UNDIP Family of IAAS LC UNDIP

Saturday, 12 November 2016


    IAAS ia an international association of students which run inAgricultural field and related sciences, with local commitee in over50 countries and 10.000 members. We are the largest internationalstudents association in our fields.
    International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences Local Committee Diponegoro University are open recruitment for you to be a part of the largest agricultural organization.

There are 5 departments of IAAS lc UNDIP :

1. Project Department

Is suitable for you who want to serve to the community by cooperate with farmers to develop agriculture methods, teach children in the village, and many more.

2. Science and Technology Department

Department that responsible with the most up to date technologies concerning agriculture today and you can experiment directly to apply the appropriate technology by joining this department.

3. Exchange Program

Department that organizes and runs various forms of exchange of students from national to international.

4. Human and Resources Development

This department is responsible of taking care the internal relation by keep the member remain comfortable and productive while organizing , develop soft skill of members and bonding members

5. Public Relation
Had a role in external relation and decorating face of IAAS with wide range of publication
How to join us?
1.      Student of Diponegoro University batch 2014/2015/2016
2.      Register yourself on http://bit.ly/opreciaaslcundip2017
3.      Download requirement and fill the form on http://bit.ly/formiaaslcundip2017
4.      Dont forget to send your form CV, screnshot/scan of KHS (for studentsbatch 2014&2015)  or KRS (for students batch 2016) to oprec.iaasundip@gmail.com
      (Name your zip file and email subject with your full name)

We challenge you to become young professional for the future agriculture.
For further information about Open Recruitment IAAS Lc Undip, please contact us:
Bagas Christian N : 08965322354936/ line: bagaschristian
Vina Triana : 08975127320 / line: vina_ana
Published: By: Unknown - 22:33:00