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Monday, 31 August 2015


Dunia membutuhkan anda keluar dari tekanan sebagai sebuah mahasiswa dan melihat dunia dari perspektif yang berbeda. Bergabunglah bersama organisasi pertanian dan ilmu terkait terbesar di dunia dan buktikan bahwa anda dapat meraih sukses baik sebagai sebuah individu maupun sebagai sebuah tim yang memperjuangkan nasib petani kurang mampu di desa dengan aksi nyata tanpa meninggalkan kewajiban di bangku kuliah.


Q: kegiatan di Project department apa aja sih?
A: banyak dong pastinya tapi kegiatan  yang bakal diikutin itu kegiatan BBG dan penyuluhan aja.
Q: kalau boleh tau BBG dan Penyuluhan itu apa?
A: BBG itu kepanjangan dari Bimbel Belajar Gemawangi. Jadi nanti kita akan  mengajar anak-anak SD sedangkan penyuluhan yang kita adain itu jenisnya penyuluhan bertema  pertanian & peternakan.

Q: kalo tema penyuluhanya tentang  pertanian & peternakan, berarti yang boleh join cuman mahasiswa dari bidang studi terkait?
A: oh jelas tidak. mahasiswa bidang studi apapun boleh join sama kita.

Q : di poster kemarin kan ada kalimat 'memajukan sebuah desa' jadi kegiatan kita bakal di desa terus ya kak?
A : yaps kita akan membina Desa Gemawang desa binaan IAAS LC Undip, tau ga kalo Desa Gemawang adalah desa vokasi pertama di Indonesia loh

Q : Trus kita mau ngapain kak k Desa Gemawang?
A : Di sana kita akan mengadakan BBG (BimBel Gemawangi) dan penyuluhan. Kenapa kegiatan tersebut, karena 2 kegiatan itu merupakan kegiatan mengabdi yang akan terjun langsung ke masyarakat. Diharapkan dengan ilmu yg kita punya kita mampu mengurangi kemiskinan di Desa Gemawang.

Daftar yuk kalau kamu angkatan 2014 & 2015 langsung SMS dengan format: NAMA_FAKULTAS_PRODI_ANGKATAN ke nomor 085741417883

Download formulir disini (http://bit.ly/1VHFwI9)
kemudian kirim ke iaasfellasvolunteer@gmail.com sebelum tanggal 9 September 2015.

Tanggal Penting OPREC Volunteer:
1 - 9     : Registrasi via sms dan pengisian formulir
10        : Pengumuman bagi yang lolos berkas
11        : Technical Meeting
12 - 13 : Wawancara
14        : Pengumuman akhir

for more info ask us on :
- Instagram: @IAASUNDIP

Contact Person : 085713030347 (Dilla) or 085741417883 (Ica)
Published: By: Unknown - 18:12:00

VCP Profile: Gemawang Village

The series of events is our adventure to prove to the world that the students can contribute actively to minimize the impact of poverty in villages without prejudice to the responsibility of college. There are three main activities Gingerangers Project series that began in 2013, namely student tutoring, a discussion of business plans chocolate ginger, and ginger cultivation with polybag method. The main activities of the project was inspired by the thought of Muhammad Yunus from Bangladesh and Simon Sinek.

Gemawang village in Central Java province (Indonesia) has been planted ginger since hundreds of years ago, but unfortunately it is still done conventionally. Through Gingerangers Project, we promote innovation of ginger cultivation with polybag method which has the advantage of efficiency and productivity of five times more than with previous methods. The reason for choosing to developed ginger as a commodity is that because Indonesia is one of the best spice in the world. Approximately 90% of medicinal plants in Asia are planted in Indonesia. Moreover, taking into account local community wisdom, ginger cultivation has considerable economic potential. 

To increase the sale value of ginger, we also invite the villagers of Gemawang village to make ginger processed products, namely “chocoped”. Perhaps, this is the first chocolate products in the world that uses ginger jam as a flavor enhancer. Compared to powdered ginger, ginger jam is located on the authenticity of flavor and a more viscous properties. In an effort to introduce these products, we conduct various discussions of business plan that aims to solve the problem of the products that can exist in the market.

We are aware that one of the most important success factor of Gingerangers Project is how communities respond to this activity. To enhance the public participation, we also held tutoring for student’s of Gemawang to motivate and inspire 90 elementary students to have an awareness of the importance of agriculture at an early age. At this time, the project is being run under the coordination of IAAS Diponegoro University.
Published: By: Unknown - 17:01:00